Week ending April 3rd

Last week I wrote about how far within my limits I was. However, 24 mile week with a very easy 12 mile run took a bigger toll on my body than I would have liked. I basically didn't run at all due to what I think is plantar fasciitis. So much for my first week of training being my lowest milage week.

After doing more research about running induced foot injuries than I've done for my two 400 level econ term papers due this month, I think I have it figured out.

Stress in the bottom of my foot was caused by some combination of the following:

a. Over-pronation: this might be a stretch, but I wore some shorts that irritated my inner-thigh, possibly causing me to subconsciously widen my running stance. A wider stance puts your center of gravity on the inside of your foot, leading to more stress on your arch.

b. Tight calves/hamstrings: A tight muscle somewhere demands compensation from somewhere else: the bottom of my foot, in this case.

c. Too much running too soon: I haven't really run for six months, that's plenty of time for muscles to forget how to do their jobs. I used to run 24 miles in 3.5 hours. My body can't handle that over seven days now, I guess.

d. Running in NB MT101's too much: These shoes are really fun to run in. They have no arch at all, and are probably more stress on my feet than my feet are ready for right now.

This week, I've attempted to solve a through d:

a. Over pronation: Easy, concentrate on running form and adjust as is necessary.

b. Tight calves/hamstrings: 10 min stretching regimen 2-3 times a day.

c. Too much Running: Run less.

d. NB MT101's: Purchased the Hoka Bondi B's. Big, soft, light shoe. Also, expensive; one for the price of two.

Mon: 35 min on stationary bike

Arch felt sore. I opted not to run. Got on Jake's stationary bike in front of my laptop and watched half an hour of old Tour de France clips on YouTube.

Tues: lower body lifting

Been icing, rolling, and Tiger-Balming my plantar fascia for two days. Rode my bike to the BYU gym. Did 10 min on the elliptical machine. Then I made up a 40 min leg circuit and rode home.

Wed: 45 min on stationary bike

Plantar fascia is getting better. I'm really trying to nip the problem in the bud. I've heard horror stories about plantar fasciitis lasting for months and months. Watched Food, Inc. in front of the bike in our front room. I put on my heart rate monitor and kept my HR around 145 for 45 minutes. I don't know anything about HR zones. Very sustainable effort. Iced and stretched after.


Bought Hokas and ate at Bruges in Salt Lake with Haley.


Skied all day at Alta, didn't ice or stretch.

Sat: 4 miles

Ran an easy 4 miles with Haley after dark in the rain. She's training for the Utah Valley Half Marathon. Foot felt ok. Wore the Hokas, very cushiony.


4 miles

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Week ending March 27th

Every Nike commercial or Gatorade ad shows people pushing beyond their limits. Coaches give halftime speeches about giving 110 percent.

You should never push beyond your limits. You should never give 110 percent.

We have limits for a reason and staying within them is how we achieve our full potential. Machines break when required to operate beyond maximum capacity, and, so do we.

I'm still easing back into the whole idea of running this week. I'm staying well within my limits, giving nowhere near 110 percent. Because I've learned that if I operate beyond maximum capacity, I'll break.

Mon: 5 miles (0:47:25)

Ran up to the gate in 25:30. I guess I’m in about the same shape I was around thanksgiving. In September I did the same climb 5 minutes faster. Wore Mckay’s Boise High shorts and got chafed pretty good.

Tues: 3 miles (0:22:22)

Did a flat loop around south Provo in the dark. Wondering how bad of an idea it would be to pace Quin this Saturday at the Antelope Island 50 miler.

Wed: 6 miles (0:55:00)

Ran from Rock Canyon over the 2nd gate with Phil. I skied at Canyons all day pretty hard, then climbed in Rock Canyon till 8:00 and ran till 9:00. Really should have eaten better throughout the day, cause I felt pretty nasty on the way back. Most of the run was in the dark without a light.


Skied hard at Deer Valley with Wade all day. Bouldered with Haley until our intramural basketball game at 9:00. Won our game which puts us in the sweet 16 of the lowest division at BYU.

Sat: 12 miles

Drove up to Antelope Island to pace Quin on his first 50 miler. Barely got to the mile 44 aid station in time to run the last 6 with him. He killed it the last hour and finished just under 9:30. Hurried back over to the same aid station to pace Robbie Woog for the same stretch. Fun day that made me excited to race. Got close to buffalo. Stinky.


24 miles; not sure on vert or time; flat and slow week

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Week ending March 20th

I don't suppose many will read this blog. Its purpose is to help me record my training for the Bear 100 in September. To date, I have run two 100 milers. Both of which haven't been extremely successful. Last september I got a stress fracture running the Wasatch 100. Because of my impatience, it has been very slow to heal. I think it is just barely strong enough to run on.

Since Wasatch in September, I had a week or two of running in November where I basically just re-broke my foot, and, about 6 weeks of skate skiing leading up to the Boulder Mountain Tour. I toured a few times. My biggest tours were up Timp and Lone Peak. This past week was my first week of "running" since September. Hopefully this will be my lowest mileage week until I taper in mid September.

Mon: 5 miles

Up to the shoreline trail. Ran a new way with Haley up 700 north. It puts you right in the Y parking lot. Steep and direct. Ran down through center street. Foot felt fine. Lots of breaks.

Wed: 5 miles

Ran up my usual way to the BST. Got pretty tired. Hopefully it was hard because I’m coming off of being sick. There is a lot of room for improvement. Windy on the way back.

Sat: 2.5 miles

Basically abused my body this weekend. Slept like 4 hours two nights in a row and ate pop tarts and fast food with my buddies on a two-day road trip to southern Utah and Las Vegas. Ran like 20 minutes in Red Cliffs state park. Watched the BYU game in Caesar’s Palace. Friends won some money and lost some money betting on it.


12.5 miles; 1100ft

Slogging up Lone Peak

Schralping a little spine on the way down

Finishing the BMT in the beginning of Feb

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