I don't suppose many will read this blog. Its purpose is to help me record my training for the Bear 100 in September. To date, I have run two 100 milers. Both of which haven't been extremely successful. Last september I got a stress fracture running the Wasatch 100. Because of my impatience, it has been very slow to heal. I think it is just barely strong enough to run on.
Since Wasatch in September, I had a week or two of running in November where I basically just re-broke my foot, and, about 6 weeks of skate skiing leading up to the Boulder Mountain Tour. I toured a few times. My biggest tours were up Timp and Lone Peak. This past week was my first week of "running" since September. Hopefully this will be my lowest mileage week until I taper in mid September.
Mon: 5 miles
Up to the shoreline trail. Ran a new way with Haley up 700 north. It puts you right in the Y parking lot. Steep and direct. Ran down through center street. Foot felt fine. Lots of breaks.
Wed: 5 miles
Ran up my usual way to the BST. Got pretty tired. Hopefully it was hard because I’m coming off of being sick. There is a lot of room for improvement. Windy on the way back.
Sat: 2.5 miles
Basically abused my body this weekend. Slept like 4 hours two nights in a row and ate pop tarts and fast food with my buddies on a two-day road trip to southern Utah and Las Vegas. Ran like 20 minutes in Red Cliffs state park. Watched the BYU game in Caesar’s Palace. Friends won some money and lost some money betting on it.
12.5 miles; 1100ft
1 comment
Jojo, Thanks for the text making me aware of you gnarly jogging blog. We'll all be the better for it. In a different world ultra-marathons could've been called gnar marathons. It isn't the case, but we can still some gnar marathons ourselves. Keep on schralpin!
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