Week ending March 27th

Every Nike commercial or Gatorade ad shows people pushing beyond their limits. Coaches give halftime speeches about giving 110 percent.

You should never push beyond your limits. You should never give 110 percent.

We have limits for a reason and staying within them is how we achieve our full potential. Machines break when required to operate beyond maximum capacity, and, so do we.

I'm still easing back into the whole idea of running this week. I'm staying well within my limits, giving nowhere near 110 percent. Because I've learned that if I operate beyond maximum capacity, I'll break.

Mon: 5 miles (0:47:25)

Ran up to the gate in 25:30. I guess I’m in about the same shape I was around thanksgiving. In September I did the same climb 5 minutes faster. Wore Mckay’s Boise High shorts and got chafed pretty good.

Tues: 3 miles (0:22:22)

Did a flat loop around south Provo in the dark. Wondering how bad of an idea it would be to pace Quin this Saturday at the Antelope Island 50 miler.

Wed: 6 miles (0:55:00)

Ran from Rock Canyon over the 2nd gate with Phil. I skied at Canyons all day pretty hard, then climbed in Rock Canyon till 8:00 and ran till 9:00. Really should have eaten better throughout the day, cause I felt pretty nasty on the way back. Most of the run was in the dark without a light.


Skied hard at Deer Valley with Wade all day. Bouldered with Haley until our intramural basketball game at 9:00. Won our game which puts us in the sweet 16 of the lowest division at BYU.

Sat: 12 miles

Drove up to Antelope Island to pace Quin on his first 50 miler. Barely got to the mile 44 aid station in time to run the last 6 with him. He killed it the last hour and finished just under 9:30. Hurried back over to the same aid station to pace Robbie Woog for the same stretch. Fun day that made me excited to race. Got close to buffalo. Stinky.


24 miles; not sure on vert or time; flat and slow week


Wil March 27, 2011 at 1:51 PM

Well done Jojo. I'm proud of you for pacing your buddies. Also, well said on the 110%. That inspirational stuff is for teenagers who eat Big Macs for breakfast and fractures heal in two weeks.

Unknown March 28, 2011 at 9:33 AM

Boise High shorts are never a good idea.

Unknown April 4, 2011 at 5:17 PM

Yo man, this is a sick blog. will be reading it lots brudda.

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